From the rapid development and achievements that have been achieved, in 2015 the Teknokrat Education Foundation submitted a proposal to the Directorate General of Higher Education to combine STMIK, AMIK, and STBA Teknokrat into a university. The efforts and hard work of the Teknokrat Education Foundation finally paid off with the approval of the merger of STMIK-AMIK-STBA Teknokrat to become a University with the name Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Number 494/KPT/I/2017 which came into effect on September 8, 2017. Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia organizes three faculties including the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science (FTIK), the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) and the Faculty of Art and Education (FSIP). In accordance with the issued decree, the Faculty of Letters and Education currently has four study programs, namely Physical Education, Mathematics Education,English Education, and English Literature.