Fostering Innovative Learning and Creative Output in the English Literature Program at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
To promote student-centered learning and project-based education, the English Literature Study Program at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia (UTI) has introduced various innovative approaches in the field of literature. As a result of these innovations, English Literature students at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia have produced a total of 55 literary works in a single academic year. One notable initiative includes the implementation of project-based learning in courses such as Creative Writing, Children’s Literature, Prose Composition, and Poetry Composition.
From these four courses, a total of 55 creative works were generated during the 2022/2023 academic year and are currently in the process of obtaining ISBN numbers. This accomplishment reflects the commitment of the English Literature Program to stay current and relevant. During the Odd Semester (September – January), students undertook a project to create short stories in the Prose Composition course. At the beginning of the semester, students learned about various types of prose and the writing process, from generating story ideas to the actual writing.
Exploring Creative Writing and Project-Based Learning in Literature Studies
Drawing inspiration from the Short Story Writing Competition at the National Student Art Week (Peksiminas) 2022, students were challenged to observe a specific place and write stories inspired by the setting, time, and characters associated with that place. Students took on the challenge of observing the Bambu Kuning Market in Bandar Lampung. This observation led to the creation of two anthologies of short stories, both of which have progressed to the publication stage with ISBN. Meanwhile, in the Poetry Composition class, students composed poems with the theme “Revering for Colors,” where they explored various colors of life and human experiences. These poetry works were compiled into a single anthology.
Not only during the Odd Semester, but also in the Even Semester of the same academic year, the English Literature Program introduced project-based learning in other literature courses. Firstly, the Film Production course, taught by Dina Amelia, M.Hum., had students learn about scriptwriting, filming, sound effects, and acting. This course resulted in an English-language short film titled “The Way I Used to Be,” which addressed the phenomenon of dementia. Additionally, the Children’s Literature course led to the creation of 7 children’s story manuscripts with illustrations using Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools and copyright-free images for elementary and middle school readers. Lastly, the Creative Writing course, guided by Dr. E. Ngestirosa EWK, MA, tasked students with creating mini novels that are at least 50 pages long and fit within A5 dimensions. Throughout the writing and editing process, students were also assisted by guest lecturer Ita Siregar from the Practitioner-Teacher Program. In the Creative Writing class, a total of 44 mini novel manuscripts were produced by the students. These manuscripts are currently in the process of being submitted for ISBN approval through the Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Press.
Menumbuhkan Pembelajaran Inovatif dan Hasil yang Kreatif di Program Studi Sastra Inggris Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia
Mendorong Implementasi Pembelajaran Berpusat pada Mahasiswa dan Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek, Program Sastra Inggris Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia (UTI) melakukan berbagai inovasi pembelajaran di bidang sastra. Dari inovasi mahasiswa Sastra Inggris Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia telah menghasilkan 55 Karya Sastra dalam satu tahun akademik. Salah satunya adalah menerapkan pembelajaran berbasis proyek pada mata kuliah Penulisan Kreatif (Creative Writing), Sastra Anak (Children Literature), Penulisan Prosa (Prose Composition), dan Penulisan Puisi (Poetry Composition).
Dari keempat mata kuliah tersebut, selama tahun akademik 2022/2023 telah dihasilkan sebanyak 55 karya kreatif yang saat ini dalam proses ISBN. Hal ini adalah komitmen mewujudkan Program Studi Sastra Inggris yang Kekinian. Di Semester Ganjil (September – Januari), mahasiswa memiliki project membuat cerita pendek di mata kuliah Prose Composition. Di awal semester, mahasiswa belajar tentang berbagai jenis prosa dan proses penulisannya dari mulai ide cerita sampai ke penulisan.
Menjelajahi Penulisan Kreatif dan Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek dalam Studi Sastra
Mengadopsi dari Lomba Penulisan Cerpen pada Pekan Seni Mahasiswa Nasional (Peksiminas) 2022, mahasiswa ditantang untuk mengobservasi suatu tempat dan menuliskan cerita yang terinspirasi dari latar tempat, waktu, karakter dari tokoh yang terinspirasi dari tempat tersebut. Mahasiswa ditantang untuk melakukan observasi di Pasar Bambu Kuning Bandar Lampung. Dari observasi ini, dihasilkan dua buah antologi cerita pendek yang sudah sampai tahap publikasi ber-ISBN. Sementara itu di kelas Poetry Composition, mahasiswa menulis puisi yang bertema “Revering for Colors” dimana mahasiswa menulis puisi tentang berbagai warna kehidupan an pengalaman manusia. Karya-karya puisi dituangkan dalam satu naskah antologi.
Tidak hanya di Semester Ganjil, di Semester Genap di tahun akademik yang sama, Program Studi Sastra Inggris juga menerapkan project-based learning dalam mata kuliah sastra yang lain. Pertama adalah mata kuliah Film Production yang diampu oleh Dina Amelia, M.Hum. Di mata kuliah ini mahasiswa belajar menulis naskah, pengambilan gambar, sound effect, dan acting. Mata Kuliah ini menghasilkan satu film pendek berbahasa Inggris berjudul “The Way I Used to be” yang mengangkat fenomena dementia. Ada juga mata kuliah Children Literature dimana mahasiswa telah meghasilkan 7 naskah cerita anak dengan ilustrasi menggunakan Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools dan copyright-free pictures untuk pembaca SD dan SMP. Yang terakhir adalah mata kuliah Creative Writing. Mahasiswa dibimbing oleh Dr. E. Ngestirosa EWK, MA, untuk membuat mini novel berukuran A5 sepanjang minimal 50 halaman. Dalam proses penulis dan editing, mahasiswa juga dibimbing oleh dosen tamu dari Program Praktisi Mengajar, Ita Siregar. Di kelas Creative Writing ini, terdapat 44 naskah mini novel yang dibuat oleh mahasiswa. Saat ini naskah-naskah tersebut dalam proses pengajuan ISBN dari Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia Press. (EDHO ADP)