English Literature Hold Training Canva for Presentation at SMK Maarif NU 1 Purbolinggo

Training on the Use of Canva Application for Presentations

This time, the team led by Samanik, M.Hum., along with his team members Budi Eko Pranoto, M.Hum., Suprayogi, M.Hum., and Parjito, M.Cs. The delivery of the Canva Application Training material was led by Suprayogi, M.Hum., and conducted for students of the Office Applications (AP) Program. The Community Engagement Program of Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia in SMK Maarif NU Purbolinggo is driven by the importance of using the latest presentation applications, which have gained popularity in academic circles. 

Canva is a graphic design application with numerous user-friendly design features that can be operated online. Typically, high school students still use Microsoft PowerPoint. The introduction of Canva for presentation at SMK Maarif NU Purbolinggo is a manifestation of technological advancement to update knowledge in the field of graphic design.

Introduction to Canva for Presentations at SMK Maarif NU Purbolinggo

In this training, students were introduced on how to operate Canva’s features. Held in the SMK Maarif NU Purbolinggo Laboratory, 35 enthusiastic students participated in the training. First, students were instructed to create a Canva account using their Gmail accounts. Afterward, students were guided to select presentation templates from the presentation menu. Here, students were introduced to the basics of color composition (color palette) and design that suits the type of presentation material they would be delivering. Since students would typically present themes related to secretarial work and business, the selected design had a formal presentation theme. Students then attempted to transfer text to the 5 slide designs and adjust typography, image and text composition, and color choices for each font.

As a result of this training, it was decided that competency tests for secretarial skills would include the use of the Canva application in the presentation section. Students were guided by Pranoto, M.Hum., Budi Eko Pranoto, M.Hum., Muhammad Gerhan Lantara, and Chintya Virgianti until the presentation was completed. This Community Engagement Program was well received by the Head of SMK Maarif NU 1 Purbolinggo, Nurul Ahmad, S.Pdi. Previously, similar programs had been conducted for marketing skills, such as product design training, and computer network engineering skills, such as metaverse introduction. In this regard, the Community Engagement Program team also encouraged students to excel in their fields by becoming competitive and empowered students.

Pelatihan Penggunaan Aplikasi Canva untuk Presentasi

Kali ini tim diketuai oleh Samanik, M.Hum. beserta timnya Budi Eko Pranoto,M.Hum., Suprayogi, M.Hum., dan Parjito. M.Cs. Penyampaian materi Pelatihan Penggunaan Aplikasi Canva ini dipimpin oleh Suprayogi, M.Hum. disampaikan untuk siswa-siswi Program Keahlian Aplikasi Perkantoran (AP). Program Pengabdian Sekolah Binaan Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia di SMK Maarif NU Purbolinggo ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pentingnya penggunaan aplikasi presentasi terkini dimana masyarakat akademik sudah ramai menggunakan.

Canva merupakan aplikasi desain grafis yang memiliki banyak fitur desain yang mudah dioperasikan secara online. Umumnya, siswa-siswi SMA/SMK masih menggunakan Microsoft Power Point. 

Pengenalan Canva for presentation di SMK Maarif NU Purbolinggo 

Pada pelatihan kali ini, siswa-siswi diperkenalkan bagaimana mengoperasikan fitur-fitur Canva. Bertempat di Laboratorium SMK Maarif NU Purbolinggo, sebanyak 35 siswa-siswi antusias mengikuti pelatihan. Pertama, siswa-siswi diminta membuat akun Canva dengan menggunakan akun gmai mereka. Setelah itu siswa diarahkan untuk memilih templat presentasi di menu presentation. Di sini, siswa-siswi diperkenalkan dasar-dasar komposisi warna (color pallete) dan desain sesuai dengan jenis bahan presentasi yang akan disampaikan. Karena umumnya siswa-siswi akan menyampaikan tema tentang kesekretarisan dan bisnis, maka desain yang dipilih adalah nuansa tema formal presentation. Siswa-siswi kemudian mencoba memindahkan teks ke 5 desain salindia (slide) dan mengatur tipografi, komposisi gambar dan teks serta pilihan warna pada setiap font.

Dari pelatihan ini disepakati bahwa uji kompetensi kesekretarisan menggunakan aplikasi Canva di bagian presentasi. Siswa-siswi dipandu oleh Pranoto,M.Hum., Budi Eko Pranoto, M.Hum., Muhammad Gerhan Lantara dan Chintya Virgianti sampai pembuatan tayangan presentasi selesai. Kegiatan PKM ini disambut dengan baik oleh Kepala Sekolah SMK Maarif NU 1 Purbolinggo, Nurul Ahmad, S.Pdi. Sebelumnya kegiatan PKM telah dilakukan untuk program keahlian marketing berupa pelatihan desain produk dan program keahlian teknik komputer jaringan berupa pengenalan metaverse. Dalam hal ini, Tim PKM juga memberikan semangat kepada siswa-siswi untuk berkiprah di bidangnya dengan menjadi siswa-siswi berdaya saing unggul. (EDHO ADP)

